Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Look Back - Resolutions for 2009

It's that time of year again!  Christmas has passed and we start looking towards the new year.  It's incredibly hard to believe that it's already 2010 - I graduated high school 10 years ago this year (2010) and it has gone by SUPER fast.  But with each new year we do the inevitable - set resolutions for ourselves.  I know I do, but I've never really held myself accountable for them.  I really tried to this year though, I kept a list so I could look back on it at the end of the year.

My resolutions for 2009 were the following:

1.  Be a better person in all aspects.
2.  Be more hopeful by thinking optimistically instead of preparing for the worst.
3.  Get Hannah sleeping in her own bed!!
4.  Lose the rest of my extra weight (you can't make resolutions without this one!) and set a healthy example for my kids.
5.  Continue putting our family on a better financial track
6.  Be in a house where we'll stay until we buy one.
7.  Meet new people and make more friends.
8.  Be more grateful for everything and everyone I have in my life - it can all be taken away in an instant.

Looking back, I'm proud of myself for keeping most of them!  I feel as though I am a better person in some ways, although other areas have lacked and I need to work on those.  And I have definitely become much more optimistic about things.  I am more hopeful than ever about each situation we encounter.  Do I still stress when I pay the bills or when a tire goes flat? Sure, but not like I used to, it's just a "season" and I know that God lets us walk through hardship because he is preparing us for something that we couldn't do without it!  I am also more grateful for the things I have in my life; but I know I could do better!  Life becomes so routine and more times than not I'm just living a routine.  I will need to continue working on taking in all of the small things and being grateful for my girls laughter, the rain, and even our hardships because I don't want to lose it!

One of my biggest resolutions was to get Hannah sleeping in her own bed!  Well just today I took her bed out of her room to make space for some of their new toys!  However, at the start of 2009 I did have Hannah sleeping in her bed in her room.  And it lasted awhile too!  But something happened (I don't remember what...) and she is back in my bed again.  Sadly though I miss her when she's not there - for almost 2 years we've shared a bed - she's my "snuggle buddy"!  We are getting bunkbeds very shortly after the start of the new year (hopefully) and she will go back in her room - I'm looking forward to it as much as I'm going to miss her!  

My other resolutions:  I did manage to lose some more weight, but not enough to say I was successful!  I still have a bit to go - but hey, there's always 2010 resolutions!  I managed to put us on a better financial track - opening and maintaining a savings account.  It may have been depleted due to Christmas, but saving is a priority now and I pay our savings account just like any other bill every week.  And without that account, Christmas couldn't have happened in our house!  We have decided to stay here in Culpeper until we are ready to buy a house.  After we almost moved to Fredericksburg in April, we decided to stay.  This will be our home until we buy a house!  And finally I resolved to make more friends and meet new people.  This is something I struggle with all the time being a stay-at-home mom.  It is very hard to meet other women who are in the same season of their life that I am in.  I have become friends with my Pastor's wife.  She has three young girls right about my girls' ages and stays home as well so we immediately had that in common!  We get together every so often for playdates and she is truly an inspiration for wanting to be a better mom!  

I do have my resolutions mapped out for 2010, but I'll wait for the new year to post them!  Some of them are the same as in the past and others are new as my priorities have shifted but they are still resolutions all the same.  Hopefully 2010 will be just as successful as 2009!

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