Wednesday, March 21, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Bust!

Green Pancakes - a day late...

One of my goals currently is to do more fun holiday themed things with and for the kids!  We had a great time for Valentine's Day and I had begun looking for things to do for St. Patrick's Day.  Unfortunately, the whole day was a bust - in terms of all things green!  

On Friday, Hannah wore green to school along with the rest of her class (seeing a whole bunch of 4 year olds all in green was super cute by the way!) On Saturday neither of the girls had any desire to wear green, especially Emma.  What is up with that?? I rocked my one and only green shirt proudly.  So we had plans for green pancakes for breakfast and Shepard's Pie for dinner (the husband's request). I still can't remember what our plans were for lunch originally, but I guess it doesn't matter since the whole day was a bust.  We woke up and headed downstairs to make some pancakes..... but we were out of eggs.  Oh man!  Well, I thought, we'd hurry and run to the store to do our quick grocery shop and come home and make green pancakes for lunch!  Well.... our list of errands included going to the bank, picking up a trashcan and outdoor garbage bags at Lowe's, dropping off mail at a mailbox in town - our flag won't stay up so our mail lady won't take any I leave in there :( , go to Aldi for our groceries and then head to Target for whatever Aldi didn't have and to get Emma new tennis shoes.  We didn't need much, I was only shopping for one week so it shouldn't take too long!  

After the first three errands it was nearing noon and I knew the green pancake lunch wasn't going to happen so we headed to Subway.  No luck (no pun intended).  They were remodeling that location and I didn't want to go across town to the other one.  Second choice - Chick-fil-a of course!  The kids were thrilled.  We ate lunch, they played and then we went to Aldi and Target.  By the time we got home and put away the groceries it was around 2:30PM and I still needed to bag all the leaf piles I made on Thursday.  Four piles in and I knew I wasn't going to make Shepard's Pie, let alone dinner at all.  Hoping I can talk my husband into eating out tonight, I continue to bag leaves.  Nine bags later I was wore out.  We walked to Bruster's for dinner and ice cream.  So no green pancakes and no Shepard's Pie.  This St. Patrick's Day was NOT turning out very green!

BUT, I did end up making those two meals after all.  Green pancakes for the girls for dinner on Sunday and Shepard's Pie for the husband on Monday.  So, the day didn't turn out very lucky or green but we did eat green and Irish for two days afterward - you can call it an extension of the holiday!

How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha you know what they say about the best laid plans!! Sounds like you had a great weekend anyway! We had also planned a very "green themed" dinner for St Patty's and ended up with bbq'd steak and baked potatoes. SIGH! :)
