Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Whirlwind Weekend

We had a BUSY weekend!  My brother and his nephew came to stay - whoo hoo!  I haven't been able to see my nephew too many times so I was super excited!  He was adorable and super good!  Emma had a soccer game Saturday morning and then we immediately had to get to Charlottesville for Hannah's dance recital!  Here are some pics from the long day!

Hannah loves to pick flowers for me at Emma's games

Emma throwing the ball in!

Making sure we're watching!

Noah LOVED this thing and did not like when it was taken away!

LOVE this shot - Daddy and son
We're not allowed to take pictures during Hannah's recital and I had to chaperone her class anyway (wow! what a task that was!) Her class was sooo adorably cute - it is made up of 3 and 4 year olds.  Hannah did pretty well during rehearsal a few days before.  She kept her head down but eventually got into it even if she was a few steps behind.  During the actual recital she kind of froze in fear (as expected) and did a few foot taps.  She livened up once they all got their scarves to do the next part.  She was one of the few kids that ran back to their spot while they were supposed to get into a big circle and do a dance there (it was very cute!).  They finished it up by showing their tumbling skills - Hannah rocked the somersault!  I can't wait to watch the video! I wanted to get pictures of her afterward but she wasn't having any of it (as usual!).  Here is my beautiful daughter with some family!
Smile.. please?

With her Grammy and Great Gramma

Laughing now that posed pictures were done!
It doesn't sound busy when I write it up but we were gone from 930 Saturday morning until about 730 that night.  Soccer game followed by a rush to get Noah some milk before heading to Charlottesville.  Oh wait, the kids need to eat lunch, otherwise it will be 5pm before they eat again.  Quick drive thru run in Madison.  Get Hannah dressed, fix her hair.  Chaperone 3 and 4 year olds and keep them entertained and their costumes cleaned for 3 hours (only one had a "I want my mommy" moment, but several of these kids were a challenge!). Change Hannah again, decide on dinner - head all the way back to Culpeper and meet everyone at IHOP for dinner.  Go to Martins for more milk and yogurt for Noah and ice cream for me!  Set off a few fireworks, you know, just for fun, clean everyone up and hit the hay!  Whoooooooooo!

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