Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Adventure is beginning....

Emma starts Kindergarten in less than two weeks! To be honest, I'm a mixture of emotions. I'm sad that things will be SO different now. We won't be able to just wake up and go somewhere during the week, we'll have to plan it on a weekend and family outings will be harder to plan with Matt working weekends. I'm sad that the school adventure has begun. She'll be school until she's all grown up and heading out the door for a career (college will not be an option here!). But I'm also excited for her, she's so very social and I think she will thrive and will do so much better in school than being bored at home. She's excited too! She loves the whole idea of shopping for school clothes and especially shoes! Aunt Janie bought Emma most of her wardrobe for the rest of summer heading into the fall and we finished shoe shopping (where we came back with 4 pairs and will probably need one or two more!).
I'm a little worried about Hannah though. She was very upset the last time Emma went to her dads. Emma is her buddy, she follows her around and does EVERYTHING Emma does. I have a little curriculum I'm going to be working with Hannah on each day so she can learn her letters, colors, shapes, etc. and hopefully take her mind off of Emma not being there most of the day. But I'm not the only one who is going to be adjusting, Hannah will be too!
I plan on writing Emma a letter to give to her when she graduates I guess, I may even continue it and write a letter for each first day of school until graduation. I think it will be neat for her to read it and see how I felt and even see how it changes from year to year.
And so the adventure begins.... sigh, sniffle, smile....


  1. Awe, I love the idea of writing Emma a letter- so sweet! I actually keep a journal of letters to Ellie, but I haven't written in it months (such a bad mommy). I know it will be tough- and an adjustment for everyone, but it's still so special to watch your girls grow, learn, develop, and just go through life!

  2. I went back and read what I posted and wanted to confirm about the college sentence.... I meant college is not an option as in, the kids HAVE to go, not they CAN'T go....

  3. lol... i was wondering about your college statement :) good clarification!! good luck to emma on her first day of school -- and to mom & hannah as well! it is so hard to watch your kids grow up, but so exciting as well. i hope it is a good day for all.

  4. It's coming so soon! I remmeber when we were talking about Kayla going to school, and Emma was like Hannah's age, and you said how far away it seemed. Now, Emma's going, and it seems like it'll be forever for Hannah, but it won't. I hope she loves it, and loves her teacher. I know she will - she's a social butterfly, like Kayla =) Hannah, on the other hand - you may need to give the teacher a crowbar to pry her from your leg =)
