I recently hit 125 blog posts which sounds like a lot to me, but I feel like I never have anything to blog about, so I was amazed to see 125. BUT - in classic milestone blogging, here are 125 random things - about me, about life right now, about whatever in honor of those 125 posts!
1. I'm not sure how long coming up with 125 random things will take
2. Which leads me to wonder who will actually read this entire post...
3. I went to the gym this morning (whoo hoo) and was the least in shape in a class full of senior citizens
4. The class was NOT meant for just senior citizens, it just so happens they enjoy the class
5. I need to lose about 35-40 pounds
6. I think the first 20-25 will be easy (I won't mind working towards it), but the remaining weight puts me "pre-Emma" and I know that will be hard
7. My sister is an amazing encourager - she motivates me everyday to work out and make the right eating choices
8. I'm super excited summer is here - we have A TON planned
9. I think we have too much planned, actually and it won't be as enjoyable
10. I have AC in my car (well, my van) for the first time in 2 or 3 years and boy am I THANKFUL!!
11. Because the girls are used no AC, they always want the windows rolled down
12. I had homemade bbq chicken pizza for breakfast this morning
13. I know that doesn't go well with my workout this morning - baby steps
14. I'll be a senior this fall in college
15. I don't know what life will be like with college
16. I'm scared about actually working and not being home with the girls - I've really embraced being a SAHM over the last 5 years
17. I'm thinking about getting my masters degree in religious studies
18. I'm doing the Goodreads book challenge this summer
19. I set a goal of 5 books before summer is over
20. I'm reading my third book, but having trouble getting through it
21. I'm currently reading, "Bringing Up Girls"
22. I want to read "Forgotten God" and "Two Kisses for Maddy" next
23. We're taking the girls to the beach for the first time EVER - I can't wait!!!
24. We're going on our second annual camping trip this summer too - a weekend at Jellystone
25. We have a major ant problem - they are everywhere, from the dishwasher to the washing machine
26. I'm constantly spraying and ponder if that is ok for our health...
27. Matt and I are going on a 3/4 day leadership conference in Atlanta with some people from our church in October
28. I am super excited about being able to attend this conference - there are amazing speakers there this year
29. I'm so excited to be going away with just Matt for several days
30. I'm super nervous about leaving the girls away for that long especially when they need to stay in their regular school and activity routines!
31. There are a few movies I want to see this summer and hope Matt and I can getaway to see them
32. After 5 years, we finally saw our first movie together, alone
33. The day after our wedding, we took Emma to see Night at the Museum 2 - so technically that was our first movie together, but Emma was with us
34. Emma just finished her last day of first grade, she starts second grade in the fall - ahhhhhhh
35. Hannah will be in pre-k 4 this fall - her last year before kindergarten
36. My abs are starting to hurt from my class this morning
37. They offer Zumba classes some nights, I may give it a try
38. They offer Tae Kwon Do classes for all ages, so we're all going to take it as a family
39. I still haven't printed photos from our wedding yet, I'm hoping to work on that this summer
40. I've finally broken my bad habit of biting my nails
41. I didn't use to bite my nails - but began after I got "tips" one time
42. I like to read my magazines backwards
43. I subscribe to Redbook and Family Fun and Kraft Foods Magazines
44. My sister just gave me a whole years worth of back issues for Health Magazine
45. I really like it, I may just subscribe if she doesn't have anymore
46. I have a droid - one of the first ones to come out
47. It's too smart for its own good! It hangs up randomly and my cheek and earlobe hits the mute button all the time
48. I want a new one; one that works right, something like an iPhone
49. I'd really like an iPad
50. Hey, I'm half way to 100!
51. The 4th of July is my favorite holiday and Culpeper actually puts on a pretty good fireworks display
52. Hannah doesn't like loud noises. At all.
53. She covers her ears for small, simple noises like vacuuming
54. Hannah talks. A lot. Sometimes so much, I feel like I'm gonna crack.
55. I am thankful for her chatter though. She talked later than most babies.
56. Emma is very into her looks now
57. She won't let me pick out her clothes or do her hair anymore.
58. Emma has a great laugh, one that makes anyone in the room laugh too!
59. I love brownies, LOVE THEM!!!
60. I like cheesecake too - but hardly have it
61. I made cake from scratch for Hannah's party
62. It was pretty good until I refrigerated it - then it got dry
63. Her barbie cake was a P-A-I-N
64. I just realized I never posted pictures of her cakes
65. I'm bummed that it's been super hot during the week while the pool isn't open and nicer weather on the weekends
66. Our pool is now open everyday since school is out
67. Wow, I'm not even halfway there and I'm out of random thoughts!
68. Today was the first day of summer vacation and I got up at 645
69. When Emma is in school, I struggle to get up at that time, and now I can sleep in but can't?
70. My abs are so sore today from my class that I can't use the muscle at all
71. I'm glad I started this class on a Friday so I have two days to recoup
72. My political views are so very different from the majority of my family
73. It's frustrating to always hear negative things about how our country is run
74. I can't stand when people refuse to see something from another side
75. Oh, look half-way there!
76. Leave me a comment and let me know if you've gotten this far!
77. I can't wait to see Cars 2 this summer!!
78. Last year during the summer, our movie theater offered free movies one day a week
79. They played older movies but it was still something fun to do!
80. We saw Planet 51 - it was very funny
81. I think kids shows today are inappropriate and encourage kids to do bad things
82. We've had to ban iCarly and Drake and Josh in our house
83. I'm incredibly irritated that previews for Degrassi are shown all day long where kids can see them
84. Emma loves TV - Hannah will usually just watch a show or two a day
85. I'm planning on cutting WAY back on the TV this summer
86. I say that as we watched the Dennis the Menace movie this morning already and now another has started
87. It's this blog though - if I wasn't working on it, I could get my much needed desk organizing done
88. I got a new desk from a friend - I LOVE it
89. We gave her our desk and a dresser for her daughter
90. She also gave us her awesome dining room table, just because
91. But now, because I had to take everything off my other two desks and dressers, stuff is everywhere
92. I'm almost done, but just have those little things that I don't know where to put them...
93. I'm leaning towards the trash at this point
94. Matt brought home my favorite donuts from 7-11 the other day - they're cake donuts covered in chocolate
95. They are 260 calories for one
96. It's taking everything out of me to not eat one right now
97. I had an oatmeal and orange (go me!)
98. Hannah is going to a birthday party today, so I'm resisting the donut by telling myself that I can't have a piece of cake later if I have a 260 calorie donut this morning!
99. It's one or the other, but not both
100. Wow, only need 25 more random thoughts
101. I really want to take the girls to Kings Dominion this summer
102. Hannah's never been and Emma hasn't been since she was younger than Hannah
103. They've both been to Dollywood and Hershey Park several times
104. The girls REALLY want a dog
105. I don't want one
106. I said we'd talk about it once we got a bigger place
107. I can't wait to buy a house
108. My urge for a chocolate donut has only gotten stronger since I made comments 94-99
109. They're so soft on the inside, mmmm
110. I don't think we'll have anymore children
111. Most days I'm a-ok with that and it's a decision we both agree on
112. I'll live vicariously through my nieces and nephews
113. I need more nieces though - I only have 1 but TONS of nephews
114. I'm having trouble coming up with new dinner ideas
115. It's going to be a long summer the way the girls are already fighting
116. Thank goodness for VBS!
117. I'm driving the girls to my grandmothers by myself for the first time
118. It's an 8-10 hours trip with just me and the girls
119. I'm a little nervous - mostly about the bickering that will occur
120. I really wish I had a one-level house
121. It would make cleaning much easier
122. I'm on top of the game and already have most of Matt's Father's Day gifts
123. But none for any of the other Father's in my life
124. I need to order a few gifts today while I'm thinking about it!
125. Whoo hoo! Last one - I'm finished!