Monday, December 6, 2010

The Christmas Spirit

I LOVE Christmas!  I love giving gifts - finding that perfect gift and waiting in anticipation for weeks to give it to that special person.  I love baking this time of the year - when else do I need batch after batch of truffles, buckeyes, or sugar cookies?  I love our Christmas traditions - hmm, that's another blog idea there!  And most important, I love the meaning behind Christmas - I mean, we received the best gift of all that day in Bethlehem so long ago!  But what I struggle with now at 28 is what Christmas is supposed to feel like.  As a kid, there was the anticipation of waiting for Christmas break, all of the school-related Christmas activities, Christmas lasting ALL day.  Now, there is almost a disappointment because I don't know what to feel.  

I love to shop!  I look forward to Black Friday for months leading up to it.  This year my Dad came with me and we shopped from 3am until 7pm.  I was excited, I couldn't wait to get a ton of stuff crossed off my list - but once I purchased my items my excitement wore off.  What was I supposed to do for the next month?  So, in an attempt to maintain some sort of Christmas Spirit throughout the season, I'm trying to spread some stuff out.  This past Saturday we invited some of Emma and Hannah's friends over to ice and decorate some cookies.  Then on Sunday, the girls and I spent some time wrapping everyone's presents.  We're hoping to get out to the Bull Run Festival of Lights, and of course drive around to look at Christmas lights.  I still have some baking and wrapping to do as well as a few more things to buy.  To remind my girls of the reason for the season, we'll be having a birthday party for Jesus as well.  

While that takes care of activities leading up to Christmas, I still don't know what Christmas is supposed to feel like that day.  Maybe I'm crazy and no one else knows what I'm talking about (I know I'm not - the BFF confirmed the feeling!), but it just doesn't seem the same as I grow older.  Each year I seem to detach myself more and more from the childhood, excited feeling of Christmas.  Maybe if everyone sent me really cool things for me to play with all day, then I'd be OK!  :)  

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?  Is Christmas any different for you now that we approach (and for some of you - already in your) our (gulp) 30's?  What do you do to maintain the spirit of Christmas? I'd love any suggestions!


  1. Okay, no fair talking about people in their 30', Paul will be there in less than 2 weeks! I struggle to get into the Christmas spirit every year. I think I am literally "willing" myself to feel something akin to what I did as a child. But it's not the same, it's just...different. I think the excitement as a child comes from all of the magic that Christmas - and Santa - can bring. Once you know the truth behind it all (and that hanging lights is more of a pain in the ass than a magical twinkling), it all sort of loses its luster - and the Christmas spirit goes with it. I guess the trick is to slow down, and really be mindful of the present (not the gift kind of present, but the time kind of present :). Like stop thinking and worrying about everything and enjoy the time with your family, with the kids, the taste of that sugar cookie just out of the oven. For me, the Christmas spirit sort of hits me in "spurts" rather than a constant feeling of excitement like it did as a kid. And those spurts only happen when I remember to step back, breathe, and really take in the moment. Merry Christmas!

  2. ditto what Casey said :)

    and yes, I took the easy way out!
