Monday, September 6, 2010

Ready, Set, WAIT!

It's hard to believe that this little girl starts preschool tomorrow - I mean she's so little, how can I let her go?
Here she is only hours old
And here she is just a few months old
It just doesn't seem real - can't I change my mind? I just want to keep her home, make her stay 3 and hold  her in my arms forever!  But really, I'm a little hesitant to let my baby go since Hannah has been with me every second of every day since she was born.  I think everyone knows how attached she is to Matt and I, so even though she is starting to learn to trust others, she is still somewhat clingy which makes me nervous about dropping her off each morning.  

But she is SUPER excited and I had to basically drag her out of orientation so I hope that the first day is similar.  She'll be going Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12 until the end of May just like a regular school year.  

Wish me luck as I drop her off in the morning as I know I'll be a mess!  It's going to be much harder on me than her and I know she needs it! 


  1. good luck to both of you! can't wait to hear how the first day goes!

  2. Yep, good luck to both of you!! I'm sure Hannah will love playing with other kids, and you will enjoy having some much needed time to yourself! (At least, that's what us parents tell ourselves... :))
