So, the app I was using was great. It was free for the first two weeks to try it out and I liked it, a lot. My phone would vibrate when I needed to change from running to walking and vice versa and it tracked distance as well as time. You could even listen to music and time it if you wanted to! I really liked it so I upgraded to the full version to finish out the rest of the weeks (it was a whopping $1.60).
Monday morning I headed to the gym and I pull up the app and it needs my GPS to work in order to run which it didn't before - I just always used the timer. I'm assuming from lack of signal or something it couldn't find the correct number of satellites to operate my GPS (it needed 4?) so it wouldn't work - WTH???? The app I just paid for (and I've NEVER paid for an app, ever!) isn't working. So I just googled the plan and went on about my merry business running and walking and running and walking.
Day 2 (Wednesday) - I was smart this day and decided I would pull up my app outside so it could do whatever it needed to do with the satellites and GPS and it worked! YAY! WHen I'm ready to start, I hit start on the treadmill the same time I hit start on my phone and we're off. I warm-up for 5 minutes and then begin jogging. Since on Monday I had to actually look at the plan, I knew I had to do 90 seconds of jogging, 90 seconds of walking, 3 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking and then repeat before cooling down. So I'm running and after 90 seconds my phone doesn't buzz. I check it and it still wants me to run, so I think OK, maybe this plan is a tidge different than online, so I keep on jogging. I arrive at 3 minutes - nothing, it still wants me to go. WHAT?? Maybe I accidentally hit week 4 when I have to do five minute spurts. So I go to five minutes (whoo hoo, go me!) and it still wants me to keep going. I don't. I start walking. Something has to be wrong with this wonderful app that I paid for because I loved it so much. I keep the app running in the background but use my memory to continue from Monday. I walk for 3 minutes, jog for 90 seconds, walk for 2 minutes and then jog for 3 minutes before cooling down. And guess what? the app still wants me to keep running. I'm assuming that it wants to now start measuring distance since the goal is to run a 5K but since I'm on a treadmill and not even holding the phone the distance isn't being registered. So I had to buy a new app. I found another one that got lots of good reviews, and yes I paid for that one too, but it was only $1.99, no biggie!
Today, I loved the new app, except that it doesn't notify me when it's time to change pace (run to walk) so I have to keep track of it somewhat, but overall, I like the format better. But, running was hard today, ugh. I was just ready for it to be over. The pain in my shins and calves doesn't bother me while I'm running, my legs just hurt like I'm running with 20 pound weights attached to them. I hope I can overcome that SOON, because next week I have to do a whole five minutes at a time (which sounds like nothing, but it's an eternity, I swear!)
Anywho, that's my recap for the week. The weight is slowly coming off which is a bummer but right now I'm really just trying to be focused on successfully doing the 5K. I am counting calories (I use - well, the app on my phone anyway) and have done really well the last two weeks. A total of 5 weeks at the gym a minimum of three times a week and I've lost two whole pounds. The first two weeks I wasn't fully counting calories and was divulging in my dove dark chocolate I got on clearance at Target, but I'm focused now. I would just like to see the weight come off a little faster - yes I can see my legs thinning as well as my waist but I still weigh... a lot. *sigh* - at least I'm putting on muscle and that's better, right? My sister told me to read The Best Life Diet by Bob Greene so I'm slowly getting through that (along with all of these other books). I'll get there slowly but surely. Little goal by little goal.
I "follow" Fit Moms For Life on facebook for the inspirational and motivational quotes they post daily. I really liked today's; anytime I don't feel like it, I'll just think of this!
I always think Day 2 is the hardest, too. Also, I use the Bluefin C25K app - it seems to work pretty well. You get the vibrating, but you also get a voice that says walk/run/you are half way done/one minute left/etc. I think it was .99 or 1.99.