Monday, February 13, 2012


**I'll forewarn you that because I haven't blogged consistently in awhile, there may be extra thoughts meshed into what could multiple blogs but I'm shoving it all into one, unorganized blog, sorry!**

About three weeks ago it hit, finally.  The mojo to get fit and healthy hit me hard. BANG!  The very next day I was eating right, counting calories and I went to the gym - yep, even added the gym to the mix!  We joined a small gym way back in June of 2011 and I was going 3-4 days a week until I went to the beach and then I left my energy to work out back on the sandy beaches of the Outer Banks.  

But here I was (and am) at the gym again!  I started going back to the gym on the days Hannah has school.  I use the time she is there to workout, shower and study at the library.  It saves me a lot of running around and am able to finally get some school work done!

So I like to run - I think I may even love to run.  I feel awesome during and after a good run, but because I'm way out of shape I can only run but for so fast and for so long and so after running/walking a mile I have only burned 100 calories - what a major disappointment!  So the first two weeks at the gym I took up the elliptical trainer and boy can you sweat on that thing!  I love it - I can burn 250+ calories in just a 30 minute "run".  Plus I can really get my heart rate up and sweat - which makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something! I thought I could get my endurance up and then switch over to the treadmill, but my sister asked me if I wanted to do a 5K for her church to raise money for their mission trip.  Needing the inspiration and knowing the importance of fundraising for missions, I said sure!  I'm committed now and will be RUNNING the 5K in April!  

Using the Couch to 5K app on my phone (which I'm not a huge fan of, so if you have one to share, let me know!) I started "training" last week.  I have to say I was quite shocked at how easy it went!  I was running in one minute intervals with a 90 second walk in between.  There were 8 intervals, so I ran for a total of 8 minutes - yay!  I could have actually kept going but didn't want to overdo it.  I didn't burn as nearly calories but I'm trying to remember that I'll get to the point where I can run longer and faster and can actually burn some calories.  The second day I had some "tummy trouble" and had to keep getting off the treadmill so I gave it up, took a shower and headed to the library!  The third day I had to be at work so I missed out on the gym completely that day, bummer!

So now I'm in week 2!  Today it was 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking.  The 90 seconds were actually just perfect. I could have probably gone a bit longer and completed more intervals but I didn't push it.  I was disappointed that it was only 6 intervals, but I won't complain!  I'm sure the time will come soon when I'm ready for it to be over!  But I was quite surprised that I was able to pick it up easy and that I wasn't that out of shape.  

9 weeks not including the rest of this week until my first 5K - here's to hoping I can keep it up! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, that's awesome! I actually loved the C25K app when I used it, but I do see that it's changed with the last update. As you know, my running has been restricted for the last 4 months - I haven't been "allowed" to run more than 1 minute at a time for 16 weeks. I finally got full permission to run 1 mile straight, 3 times this week. I did it on Sunday and was so surprised I could actually do it! The elliptical does burn more calories, but the running can make you feel like a rock star. Keep it up!!
