Have you ever just stopped and looked up at the night sky? In our new house we can see more stars and even make out a few constellations. Lately, I've been mesmerized by the moon. I look up in awe and just think "wow"! That little 2 inch ball is hanging out in the sky like it's nothing. Spaceships have traveled unbelievable amounts of light years away to land there and they walked on it. Let that sink in, people have been on the moon. Wow.
Then I think about the other planets and just think how miraculous this whole thing called life is. Because I then realize that the earth is just suspended in the atmosphere by a little thing called gravity. Wow. Then there are humans, living and breathing, made out of little cells that make up our bodies.
How marvelous is our creator! His attention to detail is miraculous. How He thought to come up with each and every little detail is amazing! I mean, just look at the moon again tonight. Realize how far away it is. Take it in. Breathe.
"Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:9
And if you really want to be awed, check out this video by Francis Chan called "The Awe Factor God". It will give you another whole look at our universe.... and beyond!