Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hannah's Birthday Interview - 2012

OMG! My baby girl has turned 5!!  Wow is really all I can think of.  Matt and I both have told her she didn't have permission to turn 5 :)  She'll be starting kindergarten in the fall which is just super crazy!  For her birthday we had a cookout at home for friends and family.  It was all rainbow themed and hopefully I'll get a few pictures up shortly.  She had a great time and we're super thankful for all those who came out to share in the celebration!  

Here is the newest birthday interview!

What is your name:Hannah
How old are you: 5
What grade are you in: Kindergarten
What school do you go to: Pearl Zample (officially known as Pearl Sample, but she pronounces it with the "z")
Who is/are your best friend(s): Hayley and Daddy
What do you want to be when you grow up: a cowgirl that rides ponies and rainbow dash and dusty (those are names of the ponies)
What was the best part of being 4: going to school and playing with my friends
What are you looking forward to about being 5: to go to kindergarten
What activities do you do: dance and I just graduated from school
Food: corn and broccoli with cheese on top and noodles
Drink: chocolate milk and ice water
Color: blue
Book: a princess book
Show: Spongebob and Dora
Movie: Barbie and the Princess Charm School
Game: Nickelodeon Wii Game
Toy: Barbies and squinkies
Animal: horses and piggies

Anyway we can slow down this next year? I don't think I can do 6.... :/

1 comment:

  1. There is somethng about the kiddos turning 5 and going off to Kindergarten that makes you realize how fast time is going! Crazy! Happy Birthday sweet Hannah!!
