Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Reading Blowout!

I've been avoiding blogging again!  For the same reason as last year too; if I open the laptop to blog, then I'll get on facebook, pinterest, goodreads, etc. and then the day is wasted - well at least a good portion of it.  That's what happened today - I needed to balance the checkbook, pay some bills and check my church email account.  Thankfully, I'm smart enough to not even go to pinterest because it's literally been weeks since I've been there so I know better than to just take a peek. 

I figured I'd give an update on my summer reading goals! I set a goal to read 15 books this summer and I'm 47% done already.  I picked out some books I wanted to read, but have gotten off track of that list and I'm not sure I'm gonna stick to it - I've come across a few other books I'd rather read first.  But here is what I've already read and what I think of it:

Our lifegroup was reading this and we finished up right around the time my challenge started so goodreads counted it towards my goal.  It was absolteuly amazing and I recommend it to any Christian who doesn't just want to be the stereotypical "Christian" but a true, Bible believing, follower of Christ.  The title doesn't disappoint, it is Radical.

I've had this book on my shelf for awhile and finally brought myself to read it.  The only thing that got me through it was my goal to read so many books this summer and I desperately needed to finish so I could start something good.  I was looking for advice on how to deal with my strong willed child but I didn't find much advice in there.  It talked an awful lot about what a strong willed child is like, but I'm already aware.  There were a few things I found helpful but not really.  Disappointed.

Next I read this book.  Our lifegroup did a study on this before Radical but I wasn't able to read the book with the study.  I'm so glad I took the time to read it.  It is along the same lines of Radical and is really inspiring.

Another disappointment. I checked this book out way back in February determined to read some of the books that people consider classics.  There was about 4 pages of interesting material towards the end of the book.  I found it to be incredibly awful and a huge waste of my time :(

Finally, something worth reading!!  I flew through this book in a matter of days and I immediately went to the store to buy the sequel.  When the movie came out I had never even heard of the books and didn't really think it would be my time of thing (sort of like Twilight), but I decided to give it a chance.  Really good - I give it 5 stars! 

Like I said, I went out and bought this immediately and finished it in two days.  When I finished I panicked because it leaves such a cliffhanger and I didn't have the third book yet and we were out camping so I couldn't just go get it.  But I've got it now and will start tonight :)

I originally bought this when I bought The Hunger Games but held off because The Hunger Games was so good I wanted to read the series. But when I didn't have the third book I started this one.  Initially it was hard to get into coming right off of the Hunger Games series because that was so fast faced but it got good fast.  The sex scenes were very detailed and I think the book would be just as good without those details, but that's just me. I found myself very intrigued by the relationship between Christian and Ana and was crying with Ana at the end.  I was super sad with the ending but have hope with the next two books.  I went to pick up book 2 and 3 today along with the third book in Hunger Games but they were out of book 2 - giving me an excuse to read the third Hunger Games book.

I'm still looking for book suggestions!  Follow me on!  Happy Reading!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hannah's Birthday Interview - 2012

OMG! My baby girl has turned 5!!  Wow is really all I can think of.  Matt and I both have told her she didn't have permission to turn 5 :)  She'll be starting kindergarten in the fall which is just super crazy!  For her birthday we had a cookout at home for friends and family.  It was all rainbow themed and hopefully I'll get a few pictures up shortly.  She had a great time and we're super thankful for all those who came out to share in the celebration!  

Here is the newest birthday interview!

What is your name:Hannah
How old are you: 5
What grade are you in: Kindergarten
What school do you go to: Pearl Zample (officially known as Pearl Sample, but she pronounces it with the "z")
Who is/are your best friend(s): Hayley and Daddy
What do you want to be when you grow up: a cowgirl that rides ponies and rainbow dash and dusty (those are names of the ponies)
What was the best part of being 4: going to school and playing with my friends
What are you looking forward to about being 5: to go to kindergarten
What activities do you do: dance and I just graduated from school
Food: corn and broccoli with cheese on top and noodles
Drink: chocolate milk and ice water
Color: blue
Book: a princess book
Show: Spongebob and Dora
Movie: Barbie and the Princess Charm School
Game: Nickelodeon Wii Game
Toy: Barbies and squinkies
Animal: horses and piggies

Anyway we can slow down this next year? I don't think I can do 6.... :/